Telenomus persimilis Ashmead, 1893:143 (key), 150, ♀. Holotype ♀, Arlington, Va. (Coll. Ashmead); Masner & Muesebeck, 1968Masner, L. & C.F.W. Muesebeck 1968. The Types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the United States National Museum. 270:1-143.:69, Type lost, Neotype ♀ (USNM, USNMENT01109322), designated by Talamas et al., 2017Talamas, E.J., J. Thompson, A. Cutler, S. Fitzsimmons Schoenberger, A. Cuminale, T. Jung, N.F. Johnson, A.A. Valerio, A.B. Smith, V. Haltermann, E. Alvarez, C. Schwantes, C. Blewer, C. Bodenreider, A. Salzberg, P. Luo, D. Meislin & M.L. Buffington 2017. An online photographic catalog of primary types of Platygastroidea (Hymenoptera) in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 56:187-224.:218. - Ashmead, 1893Ashmead, W.H. 1893. A monograph of the North American Proctotrypidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 45:1-472. (distribution); Dalla Torre, 1898Dalla Torre, C.G. 1898. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus, V. Chalcididae et Proctotrupidae. Sumptibus Guilelmi Engelmann, VII + 598. (distribution); Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 1. Symphyta and Apocrita (Parasitica). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1-1198. (distribution); Johnson, 1984Johnson, N.F. 1984. Systematics of Nearctic Telenomus: Classification and revisions of the podisi and phymatae species groups (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey 6 (3):1-113. (distribution); Lourdes Ramírez-Ahuja et al., 2019Lourdes Ramírez-Ahuja, M. de, J.I. López-Arroy, I.P. Rodríguez-Sánchez & A. González-Hernández 2019. Hymenoptera parasitoids associated with stink bugs in Mexico. Southwestern Entomoloigst 44 (1):35-39. (distribution).